A Simple Hamstring Stretch to Prevent Back Pain

If you’re familiar with the frustration of back pain and find bending over a challenge, this exercise is tailored for you. Tight hamstrings, hips, and outer thigh muscles are common culprits contributing to lower back discomfort. For instance, tight hamstrings during a squat can lead to excessive flexion force on the lower lumbar spine. Below is a hamstring stretch that you can use to increase range of motion and reduce stress on your lower back.


Equipment: Grab a strap, belt, or towel and place it under the ball of your right foot.

Body Positioning: Lie flat on your back, extending your right leg towards the ceiling. Keep your left leg straight with the knee down toward the floor.

Execution: Lift the right leg towards your head while maintaining straight knees. Flex the hip and ankle towards your face by gently pulling on the strap. Ensure the toes point straight ahead, avoiding any outward flaring. For an additional stretch, pull the leg inward across your midline towards the left, targeting the ITB on the outside of the right thigh. (Note: Avoid the ITB stretch if you’ve had a hip replacement.)


Gradually progress to holding the stretch for 60 seconds, repeating three times daily for optimal results.

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