A healthy spine can rotate!

Long-standing lower back issues often lead to scar tissue infiltration in the muscles closest to the spine and stiffness that restrict normal function and healing. This exercise helps you gently work towards allowing your body to comfortably twist its spine, hips, and waist into a full range of motion. Increased mobility in the lower back can promote healthy, flexible tissue and good blood circulation to the lower back and mid-back area, which is important for promoting overall safe, injury-free functioning of the spine. Here is a step-by-step instruction of how to perform the “Spinal Twist” exercise:

  1. Lie flat on your back with your left leg straight and your right hip and knee bent to 90 degrees. Turn your body towards your left until your right knee and ankle rest on the floor.
  2. From this position, stretch your right hand up into the air towards the ceiling, then let the right arm and shoulder blade drop down towards the floor behind you, level with your shoulder, while keeping the right knee on the floor.
  3. Breathe deeply and relax into a deeper stretch with a slow exhale (6-10 sec). If you have a full range of motion in your lower back and torso, your wrist, elbow, and shoulder should be able to lie flat on the floor while your knee and ankle still contact the floor on the other side of your body.
  4. Then slowly return to a neutral position and repeat the movement on the other side.

Work your way up to holding each rotated position for up to 60 seconds. You can repeat this exercise a couple of times on each side. To see quick improvements, you can do this stretch up to 3 times per day

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