Exercise Ball Plank/Crunch

The primary focus of this exercise is on the core muscles, including the rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, and obliques. The instability of the exercise-ball forces your core muscles to work harder to maintain balance and control as you bring your knees toward your chest. This translates to improved functional strength that can benefit your daily activities and sports performance.

While the core is the main target, this exercise also engages other muscle groups, such as the shoulders, chest, back, and hip flexors. As you pull your knees toward your chest, your upper and lower body work together to maintain stability, which helps build your coordination and overall functional strength.

To perform the exercise:

  1. Position yourself in a push-up position with your ankles on an exercise ball.
  2. Bend at your knees and hips, pulling your body into a ball while keeping your feet on the exercise ball.
  3. Use a slow and controlled movement to return to the starting position.

Remember, it’s important to maintain proper form while performing this exercise to avoid straining your lower back. If you’re new to this exercise, you might want to start with the ball located closer to your thighs, perform it for a shorter duration, and gradually increase it as your core strength improves.

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