Mental health and it’s impact on your body

Below are some intresting facts and stats around the mind body conection and health and wellbeing.

World Health Organization 1995

”We can no longer maintain a strict, artificial division between physical and mental well being.”

Esch, T. et al. Stress in cardiovascular diseases. Med Sci Monit. 2002 May;8(5); RA93-RA101

“Stress has a major impact on the circulatory system. It plays a significant role in susceptibility, progress, and outcome of cardiovascular diseases.”

Friedman R, Stuart EM, Benson H. Essential hypertension: Nonpharmacologic adjuncts to therapy. In: Cooke JP, Frohlich ED, eds. Current Management of Hypertensive and Vascular Diseases. St. Louis, MO: Mosby-Year Book, 1992:1–7.

“80% of men with hypertension in mind-body groups are able to decrease their medication, while 16% are able to stop their antihypertensive medication entirely.”

Domar et al., Impact of group psychological interventions on pregnancy rates in infertile women. Fertil Steril 2000; 73:805–811

“At Harvard University, woman in mind-body support groups for infertility conceive 44% of the time (as opposed to expected 8-10% rate).” 

With all this in mind, take it easy, be kind and look after yourself…

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