Solve your shoulder impeachment issues?

The Rhomboids are often overactive/tight. Excessive tension in the rhomboids will lead to poor scapular alignment and restrictions into upward rotation of the arm. This typically leads to repetitive impeachment of subacromial bursa, supra-spinatus tendon and pain with overhead movements.

The Rhomboids originate on the Cervical and Thoracic spine (neck and mid-back) and insert on the medial (inner) border of the Scapulae. The Rhomboids are responsible for Scapular retraction and work synergistically with the Levator Scapulae to promote downward rotation. 

This is a easy way to release excessive tension in the Rhomboids with a foam roller:  

  • Lie down with the foam roller placed lengthwise along your spine. Cross your arms in front of you, resting each hand on the opposite shoulder to move the scapulae out of the way.
  • Roll from the inside border of your scapula/shoulder blade to just outside your spine, working on the rhomboids (right or left side of the spine). 
  • Roll for 30–60 seconds, and then switch sides.
  • To increase the pressure, use a harder roller or a medicine ball instead of the foam roller.

If this exercise does not resolve your issues, then please feel free to book in for a chiropractic consultation and further assessment. 

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