Strengthen Your Back with the Floor Superman Exercise

As a chiropractor dedicated to promoting spinal health and overall well-being, I’m excited to share with you the benefits of incorporating the Floor Superman Exercise into your fitness routine. This simple yet effective exercise can play a pivotal role in:

1. Strengthening Back Muscles: The primary benefit of this exercise is the strengthening of the back extensor muscles. These muscles are responsible for maintaining proper spinal alignment and stability, which is essential for reducing the risk of back injuries.

2. Improved Posture: Weak back muscles can lead to poor posture, contributing to issues such as rounded shoulders and excessive curvature of the thoracic spine. Regularly performing the Floor Superman exercise can help correct these postural imbalances and promote a more upright and confident posture.

3. Reduced Risk of Lower Back Pain: Weak back muscles are often associated with lower back pain. By strengthening the back extensors, you provide better support to the lower spine, reducing the risk of strain and pain in the lower back.

Performing the Floor Superman Exercise:

The Superman exercise is an effective way to strengthen your back extensors. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Lie flat on your stomach, place your hands behind your ears, and slowly extend your upper back, lifting your chin off the floor while focusing on squeezing your back muscles.
  2. You can perform the exercise as a static hold or hold the extended position for a few seconds before slowly relaxing back down. Repeat this motion for several repetitions.
  3. To increase the intensity, extend your arms away from your head and/or lift your legs off the floor simultaneously.


By strengthening your back extensor muscles, you can improve your posture, reduce the risk of lower back dysfunction/pain, and take a proactive step toward a healthier and more active lifestyle.

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