The Glut Bridge

Poorly activated Gluteal muscles can contribute to a forward pelvic tilt and excessive loading of the facet joints in the Lumbar Sacral Junction. Hence point tenderness and pain in the very lowest vertebral segments in the lower back. 

The biggest muscle of the “Glutes muscles” is the Gluteus Maximus, it originates on the Sacrum, Ilium, and Sacro-tuberous Ligament and attaches to the top of the Femur and IT band. The Gluteus Maximus is responsible for hip extension, hip abduction (spreading legs apart), and hip external (outward) rotation.

To perform the Glute Bridge, lie on your back with your knees bent and the soles of your feet resting on the ground. Then straighten your hip and squeeze your Glutes so your thighs maintain a parallel line with your torso. 

You can make the exercise more specific and challenging by only pushing into the ground with your heels rather than your whole foot and by crossing your arms over your chest so that you have less stabilisation/support.

Hold this position for 30 to 90 sec in each repetition and repeat for 2 to 3 sets. 

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