Triceps release

To safely move in sport and life, in general, it is very important to have good mobility in your upper and lower limbs. This is especially true when it comes to the safety of your spine. If you have poor mobility in your limbs your spine often times has to compensate and move into less than ideal postures to accomplish the required range of movement. For example, lifting a heavy object overhead with poor shoulder mobility cod lead to a compensating hyperextension in the lower back area. With this in mind, we are going to go through some mobility work for the triceps.

The Triceps can often become scarred or adhered due to chronic overtraining (too much work on upper body “push” exercises).

The three heads of the Triceps originate from the superior Humerus (upper arm bone) and Scapula. All three heads insert on the Ulna (a lower arm bone). 
The Triceps group is primarily responsible for elbow extension. However, the long head of the triceps also assists in shoulder adduction.

Lie on your side with your arm outstretched overhead and place the back of your upper arm on the foam roller. Place your head on your arm to increase the pressure.

• Slowly roll the entire surface of your upper arm. 
• Roll for 30–60 seconds, and then switch sides. 
• Try internally and externally rotating your shoulder to focus more pressure on the various heads of the triceps.

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