Unlocking Mobility and Relieving Discomfort by Foam Rolling the Tensor Fascia Latae

As a chiropractor, my goal is to help my patients achieve optimal musculoskeletal health and function. Today, I want to focus on foam rolling the tight Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL) muscle.

The TFL is a small but significant muscle located at the front of your hip. It plays a crucial role in hip flexion, abduction, internal hip rotation, and stabilization of the pelvis. Given its involvement in various movements and its proximity to the IT band, the TFL can often become tight.

When the TFL becomes tight or overactive, it can restrict hip mobility, leading to discomfort and affecting your overall movement patterns. It may also place excessive strain on the IT band, typically resulting in lateral knee pain or hip bursitis.

How to Foam Roll the TFL:


Lie on your side on the ground with the foam roller underneath the front portion of your hip.

Place the same side elbow and the opposite hand/foot on the ground.


  1. From the starting position, press up and roll back and forth over the outside portion of your hip.
  2. To target the anterolateral hip musculature effectively, adjust your body toward a face-down position.
  3. Roll for 30–60 seconds, and then switch legs.
  4. To increase pressure, lift one or both legs off the floor.

In conclusion, foam rolling the Tensor Fascia Latae is a simple yet effective way to unlock mobility, reduce discomfort, and improve your overall musculoskeletal health around the hip area.

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