Ease Outer Knee and Hip Discomfort: Targeted Release Techniques

Do you experience pain in your outer knee or hip? If so, read on for effective relief.

Adhesions in the front and side hip muscles could be the culprit, affecting hip flexion, abduction, and internal rotation. Three key muscles control these movements:

Tensor Fascia Latae (TFL): Extending from the pelvis to the IlioTibial band (ITB).

Anterior Gluteus Medius: Connecting the pelvis to the outer top end of the femur.

Gluteus Minimus: Running from the pelvis to the front/middle of the hip.

The TFL, if overly tight, can strain the IT band, leading to issues like lateral knee pain or hip bursitis, often observed in long-distance runners.

Excessive tension in the anterolateral hip muscles can create imbalances, making you susceptible to back, pelvis, hip, or knee injuries. Here’s how you can address adhesions in the ITB and anterolateral hip muscles:

  • Lie on your side on the ground with a foam roller under the front portion of your hip.
  • Place the same side elbow and the opposite hand/foot on the ground.
  • Press up and roll back and forth over the outside portion of your hip from the starting position.
  • For a more targeted approach, adjust your body towards a face-down position to focus on the anterolateral hip muscles.
  • Roll for 30–60 seconds, then switch legs.

To intensify the pressure, lift your opposite leg off the floor or use a denser foam roller. Best of luck in easing that discomfort!

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