Many people struggle with carrying extra weight especially around their belly, this can exacerbate underlying back issues and worsen your prognosis of recovery. Did you know that every time that you put food in your body there is a hormonal reaction? Hormones are potent chemical agents that create sweeping changes in your physiology. Insulin plays the leading role in how food nourishes the cells. It’s one of the most powerful and significant hormones regarding our health. Insulin is also a primary stress hormone – its physiological influence is broad and varied, but for the sake of this discussion, we’ll focus on its function as the Fat Storage Hormone.
Carbohydrates are reduced to sugar during digestion and metabolism. In the bloodstream, sugars trigger the release of insulin. Insulin reduces blood sugar by acting as a transport mechanism, bringing sugar into the cells to be burned for energy. Once energy needs are met, excess sugars (or calories) are stored as fat. The presence of insulin promotes fat storage.
So, if you are struggling with lower back pain and excessive weight then try to eat whole foods like raw vegetables as your carbohydrate source and avoiding foods that cause abnormal insulin spikes like refined grains and dairy products.