The Surprising Health Benefits of Hanging or Traction for Your Lower Back

In our quest for a healthy and pain-free life, we often overlook simple yet effective methods to alleviate lower back pain. One such method is hanging or traction. While it may sound unconventional, this therapeutic technique offers numerous health benefits for your lower back.

Decompressing the Spine:

Hanging or traction relieves pressure on the discs and joints in the lower back, which may provide relief from pain and discomfort. Decompression also facilitates the absorption of nutrients, hydration, and oxygen into the spinal discs, promoting their health and preventing degeneration.

If you’re struggling with lower back issues, consider exploring hanging or traction, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to suspend yourself for lower body hanging/traction:

  • Identify a sturdy and secure surface from which you can hang your lower body. This can be a chin-up bar, a sturdy table, or the backrest of a chair. Ensure that the surface can support your weight and is at an appropriate height.
  • Slowly lift your feet off the ground, allowing your lower body to hang freely. 
  • Once you’re suspended, take a moment to find a comfortable position. Allow your body to relax and adjust to the hanging or traction. You should feel a gentle stretch in your lower back but avoid any excessive discomfort or pain. You can try to gently flex the hips and rock your knees from side to side.

Start with shorter durations of hanging or traction, especially if you’re new to this technique. Begin with 30 seconds to 1 minute and gradually increase the time as your body adapts. 

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