Handy resources for better eating
An important aspect of spinal health is to provide your spine with the nutrients that it needs to heal and function properly. Here are some …
Chiropractic a different approach
Chiropractoprs often approach the body from a different angle than traditional aleopathic medecine. Chiropractic does not, in a strict sence, treat disease, it treats with …
How bad posture stresses your calves and what to do about Soleus
Poor posture with a forward protruding head position is supremely common today due to stress, the use of handheld devices and a sedentary lifestyle. This …
How bad posture stresses your calves and what to do about Soleus Read More »
Heal your spine through better sleep!
Give your spine and nervous system quality time to heal and recover. You can set yourself up for a lifetime of better night sleeps by …
Spinal movement & your brain
Did you know that restricted joint motion in the spine can cause damage to the brain and increase stress hormone levels? Restricted joint mobility results …
Think yourself into a better posture
Your posture is strongly affected by your mental state. When you are open and relaxed you tend to have an open relaxed posture. When you …
Chiropractic and back pain
Statistics tell us that 80% of the population will develop some form of lower back pain in their lifetime. It is the second leading reason …
How calf care relates to your posture
Today it is very common with a forward hunched posture from people sitting hunched behind a computer all day. Therefore lots of people end up …
Change your environment to move better
Below are 5 ideas of environmental changes that you can make to help your spine to function as it was intended despite our modern sedentary …
Chiropractic History
Chiropractic History D.D. Palmer a magnetic nerve healer, founded chiropractic in 1895. He discovered the basic premises of chiropractic while working on a deaf janitor …