Move to a healthier you in 2021!
The look, fitness level and health of today’s western population is very different from that of our ancient ancestors. Anthropological scientists think a major reason …
Do you get tension headaches?
Many people have such a bad posture that the upper neck muscles have to cramp up to the extent that they compress the base of …
Get active and healthy in 2021
Did you know that there was a 100% increase in the occurrence of Type 2 diabetes and obesity in the US during the latter half …
Offset your computer slump this way!
Quite often, the Thoracic spine is limited in both extension and rotation due to chronic postural tension and a sedentary lifestyle. The Thoracic spine are …
Calves stretch for postural health
If everyone could just do one stretch exercise this would be it, because a tight calf can really affect your gate and posture. Tight muscles …
Flexible calves for improved spinal health?
If everyone could just do one stretch exercise this would be it, because a tight calf can really affect your gate and posture. Tight muscles …
Time to get moving
After years of sedentary living, many people unknowingly suffer from movement restrictions from short, weak and poorly balanced muscles and ligaments. Thinking about it, these …
Chin-splints + tennis ball?
This is how you can massage out your chin splints with a tennis ball. The Tibialis anterior can often become scarred (shin-splints) due to overuse …
“Loosen those tight hips and gluts”
Tight hips and Gluteal muscles can often be a contributing cause of lower back pain. Inflexibility in the Gluteals can contribute to excessive load on …
Could your spinal issues be a result of our modern lifestyle?
I believe that many of our modern health ailments including most musculoskeletal issues like neck and back pain to a large extent stem from our …
Could your spinal issues be a result of our modern lifestyle? Read More »